My Home, Nepal

3 min read by Arina Garbuja.
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Growing up I never felt a sentimental attachment to home. For me, all that tied me to Nepal was my family. As a child, I constantly moved around, so a sense of rootedness was never instilled. As I got older, I came to appreciate the beauty of my homeland; the Himalayas, the rich cultural heritage, and, above all else, the warmth of Nepali people.

On my recent trip to Nepal, in the Summer of 2018, I felt a connection with my home country that I had never felt before. It widened my perspective, allowing me to understand and capture the nature and people of Nepal more empathetically. Although as a country Nepal may seem minuscule, especially when sandwiched between two superpowers, China and India, it still stands tall, literally. 

Smiling Baje (grand-father in Nepali), Kathmandu Valley, Olympus MjuII, Kodak Ultramax 400.
Annapurna, view from Ghandruk village, Olympus MjuII, Kodak Ektar 100.
Mischievous children, taken in Ulleri village, Olympus MjuII, Kodak Colour Plus 200.
Moment of calmness, Taken in Ghandruk village, Olympus MjuII, Kodak Ektar 100.
Children who hike for 2hrs to attend school, Taken in Ulleri village, Olympus MjuII, Kodak Colour Plus 200.
Faint glimpse of Machapuchare mountain (‘fishtail’ in Nepali), Taken in Ghandruk village, Olympus MujII, Kodak Ektar 100 .