Testing the Olympus Supertrip in Shanghai

A New Old Camera in a New Old City

3 min read by Lee Webb.
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The Olympus Supertrip is the second of two film cameras I picked up from a charity shop in Nottingham.

The other was a Canon Sure Shot AF-7.

If you’ve not read it yet, I’d recommend the article I wrote about them both here.

While the test run of the Canon Sure Shot AF-7 was mainly done in Chongqing, I tested the Olympus Supertrip once I’d got back to Shanghai.

Again, I had no idea how these would turn out while shooting.

No idea how well the camera worked, no idea how the focus would be, no idea if the images would be under or over exposed, and no idea how the Kodak ColorPlus film would perform.

All I could do was go out and shoot.

The results were mixed.

I’m going to do a post comparing this Olympus Supertrip with the Canon Sure Shot AF-7 once I’ve shot some more with them both, but I definitely got better results with the latter on these test runs.

That’s not a fair reflection on the cameras of course, as light, subjects, opportunities, and my mood while shooting all play a part in the end results.

I perhaps like the header image on this post more than anything that came out of the Canon but that’s due to the composition. It could have been taken on any camera.

I only have six images I can really share with you from the Olympus and a couple of these are really just to make up the numbers.

This is partly because I used some frames on a family day out in England and partly because some of the shots I took in Shanghai just aren’t good enough to share with you.

All these that are posted here are minimally cropped to remind me to pay more attention to composition next time.

I guess the results aren’t actually too bad, for what they are, and I am looking forward to shooting more with the Olympus Supertrip.

There’s a roll of monochrome film set aside to be loaded into it next time.

I do have more favourable first impressions of the Canon Sure Shot AF-7 though. It feels better to shoot with and has so far yielded better images.

However, the relative failures I had with this camera are all things I can learn from.

So it’s a still a winner.

Besides, who can really complain when you buy a camera for £1.99 from a charity shop?

That’s the game.

Shooting is playing and getting some shots out of it that you like enough to share is always a good result.

So that’s what I’m gonna keep on doing.