Film Photography News — January 2020 Recap

Exclusive Offer From Lomography, and the Presidential Impeachment on Film

2 min read by Dmitri.
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This month’s brief Letter covers David Burnett’s presidential impeachment proceedings on a large format camera, lists two new film photography documentaries, and presents an exclusive offer for the readers.

Lomography: free shipping!

The kind folks at Lomography are giving away free shipping on all products until February 10th, 2020. This offer was valid in Europe and North America. Unfortunately, it’s now expired.

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Lomography has recently released the world’s first colour film formula in a decade, Lomochrome Metropolis, and a new camera, made with a liquid lens. At their store, you will also find hundreds of cameras, films, and accessories.

A winter’s day in Moscow. Shot on Lomography’s brand-new Lomochrome Metropolis at ISO 400.

Impeachment proceedings on film.

David Burnett is a veteran photographer who covered a large number of significant events in modern history. Including the Vietnam War, the revolution in Iran, and, now, three presidential impeachments. This month, he made rounds on the internet as he appeared operating his Graflex large format film camera during a press event.

At last, his first images are available to the public, along with an interview in The New Yorker. This is just the beginning of the historical event series, which, as David notes, is a difficult one to photograph. A room full of suits, arguing. I found that his pictures deliver a ton of interest to an otherwise dull, albeit important, event.

I think, unfortunately, there is a downside to that [digital cameras’ capacity for instant feedback], which is people start to think that just because they can look on the back of the camera and see something they made two seconds or five seconds ago, that that makes them Cartier-Bresson. Of course it doesn’t, but there is this faux feeling of accomplishment that comes with just being able to look at it.

— David Burnett for The New Yorker.

New film photography documentaries.

NBC’s mini-doc, Why We Still Love Film: Analog Photography in the Digital Age,” is now on YouTube. It features well-known photographers explaining the trend and the appeal of it. It aptly notes the skyrocketing prices of premium compact cameras and the paramount efforts of Kodak to preserve the technology.

A new film by James Muerer that documents instant photography’s near-death experience and the revival through Impossible Project, aka Polaroid Originals, is nearing its release. Its first screening to be held at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, where, should things go according to plan, it is to acquire a distribution deal.