At Ease in Abrantes

Exploring the Remote Inland Town of Portugal

3 min read by Ioana Lupascu.
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The sun is harsh, I squint hard and think about the water I have to drink to stay hydrated. I order a coffee instead. Quiosque República serves the best espresso around.

I’m in Abrantes, Portugal, last day of the 180 Creative Camp, my only full day to drift around with my Vivitar V3000.

Overlooking. Abrantes. Vivitar V3000. Fuji 200.

I stumble, following the town’s lines, shadows and angles. It’s a small place. I’ve crossed the same street three times that day going in circles, always from a different angle. To me the town feels unreal, like a film set.

It’s midday, most locals are sleeping or having lunch. Am I playing a game of hide-and-seek with the whole town?

I explore Abrantes up the hill, down to river, and up again. I want this memory to last; all I have to do is give it a chance and trust my photographic instincts.

Past Perfect. Abrantes. Vivitar V3000. Fuji 200.
Structure to every line. Abrantes. Vivitar V3000. Fuji 200.
The sun is sour. Abrantes. Vivitar V3000. Fuji 200.
We all pass the time differently. Abrantes. Vivitar V3000. Fuji 200.

The day dissipates, I finish two rolls of film, and I am back at Quiosque República. I do my farewells in silence, and have one last espresso. Tomorrow I am in Berlin, another mindset to explore.

At ease in pastel tones. Abrantes. Vivitar V3000. Fuji 200.