An Insular Journey

3 min read by sarahbejerano.
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An Insular Journey encompasses the transit through some islands of the world, and the study on what there is in common and different between them.

I had always been interested in the topic of insularity, and in the way this label pursues us, islanders. This series was born from a verse by the Cuban writer Virgilio Piñera: “The damn circumstance of water everywhere” (La isla en peso, 1943).

The fact of being born on a piece of land completely surrounded by water involves innumerable contradictory connotations. The sea becomes freedom and prison, the end and the beginning of “something.” Beginning or end of the island; the beginning or end of what is beyond, always as a more or less unattainable promise.

The photographs show the rituals, in terms of exalted daily life, that fall within the insular character: the constant search for an exit means that the journey in circles has no end. The most important thing is not the destination — it is to travel and create our own island with each step.

All photos: Kodak ColorPlus 200. Canon FTb.